UE Young Activists meet with members of the Frente Auténtico del Trabajo

UE Plans Return to In-Person International Exchanges in 2023

In a “Giving Tuesday” email to supporters of UE’s international solidarity work, UE Director of International Strategies Kari Thompson announced that “In 2023, we are planning to return to in-person member exchanges with workers in other countries, if health conditions continue to allow.”

Unifor National President Lana Payne at a CUPE press conference with placard reading Respect Charter Rights Repeat Bill 28

Ontario Workers Defeat Anti-Strike Legislation

Earlier this week, workers in Ontario won an inspiring victory against their right-wing government. Premiere Doug Ford attempted use legislation to impose a contract on 55,000 education workers and revoke their right to strike. Those workers went on strike anyway, receiving support from the rest of the province’s labor movement (including important support from UE’s close Canadian ally Unifor), and on Monday Ford’s government announced it would withdraw the bill.

Brazilian Election a Victory for Working Class, Democracy

On October 30, Brazilian voters elected former metalworkers’ union leader (and former two-term president) Luiz Inácio da Silva, popularly known simply as “Lula,” as president. Lula defeated incumbent president Jair Bolsonaro, a close Trump ally who during his four years in office attacked unions, encouraged violence against opponents, and oversaw massive deforestation of the Amazon rainforests — hastening climate change and putting the entire world at risk.

UE General President Carl Rosen presenting a copy of the UE-Zenroren scrapbook to Zenroren Secretary General Koichi Kurosawa

New UE Publication Celebrates Three Decades of Japan-U.S. Solidarity

When UE General President Carl Rosen, Director of Organization Mark Meinster, and Director of International Strategies Kari Thompson met with a high-level delegation from our Japanese ally Zenroren in June in Chicago, they presented them with a new UE publication celebrating “three decades of Japan-U.S. working-class solidarity.”

Italian Metalworkers’ Union Joins UE to Celebrate May Day

A UE delegation joined guests from Italy and hundreds of immigrant rights activists for May Day in Chicago this year. UE hosted representatives of Federazioni Impiegati Operai Metallurgici (Federation of Metalworkers, FIOM-CGIL) to commemorate International Workers’ Day with a new plaque on the Haymarket Square monument.

UE Visitor to Cuba Finds Culture of Solidarity

On a recent delegation to Cuba, UE Project Staff Chris Hollis asked local union leaders at an electronics plant in Havana how workers in Cuba would go about organizing a union. “They didn’t understand my question,” Hollis told the UE NEWS. After several attempts to rephrase his question — “How do you go about building unions in […]

New E-Book Documents UE-FAT Cross-Border Alliance

International Solidarity in Action, a new e-book written by UE’s retired Director of International Affairs Robin Alexander and published by UE, was released today. It provides an in-depth look at the decades-long relationship between the UE and the Frente Auténtico del Trabajo (FAT), an independent Mexican labor federation. “Corporate globalization has destroyed millions of good […]

Triumph for Independent Mexican Union

In the early morning of Thursday, February 3, workers at a General Motors factory in Silao, Mexico, learned the results of a union election that was held at their plant earlier in the week: the independent union led by workers won by a wide margin. This is a huge victory not only for these workers, […]