Mexico Elects Pro-Worker President, First Woman to Hold Office

In June, Mexico held federal, state and local elections. Claudia Sheinbaum, who had been the mayor of Mexico City, was elected the country’s first woman president. Sheinbaum has pledged to continue the progressive reforms that the current president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, popularly known as AMLO, has put into place. These include improved rights in the workplace, requirements for democratic union elections, and strengthening social safety nets, like reforming the pension system to better support lower income workers when they retire.

Labour Party Wins Power in UK, French Workers Defeat Far-Right

In July, both the United Kingdom and France held national elections. In both countries, parties representing “labour” or working class perspectives did better than expected. In the UK, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, from the Conservative Party, lacked credibility with the public and faced growing public discontent. Much of this was fueled by extremely high prices, […]

Canadian Parliament Unanimously Passes Anti-Scab Legislation

On Monday, May 27, Canada’s parliament unanimously passed new “anti-scab” legislation that will prohibit federally-regulated employers from using replacement workers during a strike. “This legislation is about protecting the right to fair and free collective bargaining, including the right to strike,” said Lana Payne, National President of UE’s Canadian ally Unifor. The bill “modernizes Canada’s labor […]

Double Down on International Worker Solidarity!

One of the most important ways we’ve built international solidarity over the past 30 years is our Worker-to-Worker Exchange Program. Unfortunately, we had to put the program on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2024, Worker-to-Worker Exchange is back — and we need your help to meet a $5,000 fundraising match and make it better than ever.

UE in Solidarity with Striking Public-Sector Workers in Quebec

420,000 public-sector workers — including members of UE’s close ally the Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN) — began a one-week strike across the province of Quebec today. UE’s officers wrote in a solidarity letter to the CSN that “Public sector workers are the backbone of our communities, maintaining our infrastructure and public spaces, teaching our […]

International Guests at UE Convention: “Our solidarity is without borders”

On Tuesday afternoon of the 78th UE Convention, convention delegates were joined by international guests from Japan, Mexico, and Quebec. Takeshi Takeshita and Keisuke Fuse, both deputy secretaries-general of Japan’s militant labor federation Zenroren, described the “long history of friendship and solidarity” between Zenroren and UE. That history included Zenroren taking action to put pressure on Japanese multinationals such as Kobe Steel and Hishi Plastics when their workers in the U.S. sought to join UE.

UE Represented at Union Conventions in Brazil, Quebec

In a return to pre-pandemic practices, UE was delighted to accept invitations to the national conventions of two of our international allies this May. Retired UE General President Peter Knowlton represented UE at a meeting of Confederação Nacional dos Metalúrgicos (CNM-CUT) in Brazil, and Kari Thompson, UE’s Director of International Strategies, attended the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) Congress in Montréal, Quebec.